Age-defying Pilates

Posted by on May 23, 2011 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Age-defying Pilates

Age-defying Pilates

Pilates is the best fitness routine for everyone, but specially for baby boomers! I just had my birthday last week and honestly I feel like I am getting better and better in terms of strength, flexibility, body awareness, coordination and stamina. I feel blessed because this year is my 18th year as a breast cancer survivor. Thanks to my years of stretching, meditation and exercise I have been able to overcome all the negative effects from surgery, chemo and radiation. What really changed my life was the Pilates method. Once I started practicing this age-defying routine I felt completely rejuvenated. I could say that once you start doing Pilates you can’t go back to any other fitness routine.
I feel privileged that all my female clients feel the same way as I do. We all feel totally confident with our bodies and age is not longer an issue!
Pilates for everyone!