Do you understand how muscle memory works?

Posted by on Aug 9, 2011 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Do you understand how muscle memory works?

Muscle memory is key in any activity that you do, either in common daily activities or in your fitness routines. But what does it mean? Muscle memory is when you train your muscles and your brain to work at unison. It takes focusing in order to build the connection between your brain and your body. Can anyone develop muscle memory? Yes, regardless of your fitness level anyone can achieve the level of concentration that is required to build up muscle memory.Learning by repetitions, reinforcing your concentration in every movement. What are the advantages? As soon as you develop your muscle memory you will function better. Minimizing compensations(unless you have injuries that require the use of different muscles)avoiding or breaking bad habits, preventing injuries, and gaining an overall better performance in your favorite workout routines and sports. Tomorrow I will give you tips on how to create muscle memory through concentration.